Wednesday, October 22, 2008

no.5 going up transition

if someone clicks the heart (new life) on the top right. they will go to this happy ending transition. the frame will go back to the first page in the Garden of Eden. everything can repeat itself again.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

no.4 the games

it will automatically load to this page with instructions

cursor can only go from left to right. 

once shoot, that animal will be with a blood patch. 

replace by any random animal. meanwhile the rest of the animal will continue to come forward. and when it touches the front, the life line will reduce. adam and eve heads will make some movements as a sign of injury. 

if user does not click on new life before the life line finishes. this page will appear. until user uses the heart. 

no.3 transition page

after the user partake the forbidden fruit, they will immediately enter into this screen. nothing can be clicked in this transition page. 

no.2 main page

the arrow will move, to indicate user to move to the right of the page. 

as they walk close to any tree trunk, the patch on the face of eve will turn the pattern on the fruit, and the face of adam will turn the pattern of a leave. follow by them jumping with excitement. 

they will jump alternately to show signs of movement. 

when click on the title bar or roll over the title bar, the synopsis of the story will come out. roll over is allowed because in this game the chance are very minimal for a mouse to touch the sky unless a user is exploring. 

page 2 of the synopsis. 

eventually user will finish exploring the whole garden and do exactly what adam and eve did, eat from from the forbidden tree. 

no.1 loading page

loading page progress based on the story of creation in the book of genesis. 
day1 (10%-30%): God created light out of darkness.
day2 (40%): God separated the water out of the sky.
day3(50-60%): God gathered the water into one place and land appear. The earth green up with seed bearing plants.  
day4 (70%): God made sun to govern the day and stars to govern the night. 
day5 (80-90%): God made fishes, birds and wild animals (the serpent also one of my main character).
day6 (100%): God created man.

*it is small and only occupy the center of the page so that it will not take too long to load.