1. pixel art probably has its beginning from:
MOSAIC ART >> 4th century BC. using small pieces of coloured glass, stone or material to create a pattern or picture
CROSS-STITCH >> using an x-shaped stitches to form a picture. one of the oldest cross-stitch artwork is dated around 850 after CB. it is about 10th and 13th centuries that it started to spread. made famous during the renaissance period. more.
2. other interesting expression of pixel art
rubik cube formation
human formation
isometric = is a method of making a 2d object appears 3d by tilting it 30 degrees. the measurement is normally equal length. NOT an artwork of one perspective point.
comparison: using lesser pixel (left), more pixel (right)
the first four figures are isometric pixel art of the 5th pixel art
idn famous, eBoy
a town, pixel freak
a whole city, gooncity
smashing magazine
great references!! good job! ;)
- joannekok
I saw an article on the pixel art in Clark magazine. It's french ^^
It was good :)
ooo. like the rubick cube = )
Great post, very interesting :D
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