Monday, September 22, 2008

colour template

1 warm

2 cool

3 autumn

4 spring

5 summer

6 winter

7 pastel

8 vibrant

9 calm

10 stormy

11. desaturated

12 saturated

13 fantasy

14 metal

15 tint

16 moody

17 nature

18 haunted

19 sexy

20 modern

Sunday, September 14, 2008

myth, folklore and legend

getting the definition correct first from here.

1. The Garden of Eden
In the Genesis stories about the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were given eternal life. When the serpent deceived them to eat from the 'tree of knowledge' that God warned them not to do so; they brought sin and disease into the world with their disobedient. God disqualified them from eternal life so that sin will not live forever.

2. Issun-bōshi (the one-inch boy)
The One-Inch Boy (一寸法師 Issun-bōshi; sometimes translated into English as "Little One Inch") is the subject of a fairy tale from Japan. This story can be found in old Japanese illustrated book, Otogizōshi, and has been various forms around the world and is similar to the tradition of Tom Thumb in English folklore.

The story is about an old, childless couple who live alone. The old woman wishes for a child, make a hopeful prayer despite her old age, "even if he is only one inch tall." Soon after, the old woman's wish is granted. They name the miniature child Issun-bōshi ("One-Inch Boy"). The child, despite being incredibly small, is treated well by his parents. One day, the boy realizes he will never grow taller than one inch, so he goes on a trip to seek his place in the world. Fancying himself a miniature samurai, Issun-bōshi is given a sewing needle for a sword, a rice bowl for a boat, and chopsticks for oars.

He sails down river to the city, to look for a job. he ended up at the home of a wealthy daimyo (lord), whose daughter is an attractive princess. He is scorned for his height, but nevertheless given the job of accompanying the princess as her playmate. Once traveling together, they were suddenly attacked by an Oni (or an ogre in some translations), who deals with the pesky boy by swallowing him. The boy defeats the Oni by pricking him from within with his needle/sword. The Oni spits out Issun-boshi and drops a magical Uchide's Mallet as he runs away. As a reward for his bravery, the princess uses the power of the mallet to grow him to full size. Issun-bōshi and the princess remain close companions and eventually get married.

isometric pixel art

pixel art = using pixel to form image/graphic/pattern

1. pixel art probably has its beginning from:
MOSAIC ART >> 4th century BC. using small pieces of coloured glass, stone or material to create a pattern or picture

CROSS-STITCH >> using an x-shaped stitches to form a picture. one of the oldest cross-stitch artwork is dated around 850 after CB. it is about 10th and 13th centuries that it started to spread. made famous during the renaissance period. more.


2. other interesting expression of pixel art

rubik cube formation

human formation

isometric = is a method of making a 2d object appears 3d by tilting it 30 degrees. the measurement is normally equal length. NOT an artwork of one perspective point.

comparison: using lesser pixel (left), more pixel (right)

the first four figures are isometric pixel art of the 5th pixel art

idn famous, eBoy
a town, pixel freak
a whole city, gooncity
smashing magazine